Oxford Geek Nights III

Last night witnessed the third Oxford Geek Night, a string of informal ‘jam sessions’ of web developers and designers, aimed at bringing those groups together to share ideas, practices and technologies. The evening consisted of a range of presentations from a wide net of web-related professionals, held at the Jericho Tavern (local pub well-known for its quality range of beers; I had an Addlestones.) Check out the Oxford Geek Night website for the complete event programme.

So, evening highlights you ask?
Fielding has a posse
1) Getting an interesting sticker. I had to ask a web developing friend what it meant. Then I had to Google it this morning. Even now I don’t quite entirely understand. Still, a free sticker always brings a warm feeling to my heart. Maybe that’s a throw-back to positive childhood memories.

2) The presentation by Rachel Andrew, of edgeofmyseat.com was insightful. She offered tips on Communication and Project Management across Multi-disciplinary team. As a graphic designer, and as the project leader working on database-driven website projects, I was glad for the extra tips and advice on how to improve my own working practices with web developers.

3) The last presentation of the night: ‘Being a URL Womble’. As I am not from England, the title of this presentation intrigued me and required me to ask what a ‘Womble’ was. If you’re unfamiliar, Google it. Anyway, Drew McClellan, online at allinthehead.com, delivered a light-hearted and very well-presented look at the importance of using well formatted URLs.

I have to take my hat of to Natalie Downe, all of her helpers and support, for yet another entertaining and educational event. Thanks to Google and Moo for a couple of free drinks too!

2 thoughts on “Oxford Geek Nights III”

  1. Nope, certainly wasn’t me. Sort of wish it was though. I imagine it would have been rather amusing. I probably would have thought you were talking complete nonsense … until of course I googled it this morning and then saw the light.

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