Implementing a new look

After a year of more or less the same look to, I decided that I wanted to freshen up the design of my blog. As months rolled by, with me staring at the same website over and over, I started to think that the old design looked heavy and sluggish. I wanted a lighter look and feel – something more open, with plenty of white space.

In looking around at the WordPress themes available, I decided upon Cutline by Chris Pearson. It offers the basic simplicity and openness that I was after, with the added benefit of a 3-column layout. (My old site was a 2-column layout.)

As a designer, I work to deadlines. Deadlines loom – I work faster.  No deadlines, I dawdle. As I am the client on this blog re-design, I thought the best way to force myself into a deadline is to launch the new layout before it is 100% where I want it to be.  So look for visual tweaks to this site in the coming weeks!

Of course, I’d love your feedback on what you think of the new look so far …