Refresh Thames Valley

The evening of Tuesday, 07 April saw something exciting afoot in the Maidenhead town centre: Refresh Thames Valley held its first social gathering. Organised by the good folks at Edgeofmyseat.comRachel Andrew and Drew McClellan – the evening offered an opportunity for those working in web design development in and around Maidenhead the chance to meet up, chat, exchange ideas and share a pint or two. Although I am now based in Oxford, rather than Maidenhead, I went along to see what it was all about.

What I found was a pleasant and lively group of people from a variety of professions within web-related industries.  The atmosphere was relaxed and open as the 8 to10 people on hand got to know each other and to discuss what shape they wanted the group to take.  Mostly everyone wanted a simple format – an informal gathering where they could chat about web design, web development and all sorts of related topics.

It was a promising start to what will no doubt grow over time.  I definitely look forward to the next session! Thanks to Rachel and Drew for putting that together!

Oh – one thing I did learn more about over the course of the evening is Twitter.  You can now follow me on Twitter!